
, 10:00 AM EST (US)


List meeting participants using their @mention names:

(star) In attendance

Steering Committee Issues

Discussion topics




Approve 2022/10/11 minutes.

Scot Breitenfeld

  • post the last meeting’s minutes to the CGNS webpage.


high-level editing tools for the documentation page

Marc Poinot Christopher Rumsey

Help needed to divide the remaining tasks:

The documentation goes into the source using Doxygen. This work uses the “Doxygen” branch. Examples are given for cg_open and cg_version. The aliases used for repeated variable descriptions are in src/Doxygen/Doxygen.config. We need volunteers to help with translating the remaining APIs to Doxygen.

Still in progress. We are looking for volunteers for help.

Converting CGNSTalk archive to Github Discussion Posts

Scot Breitenfeld

Hope to be completed by the next meeting.

Still WIP.

GitHub Issues

Scot Breitenfeld

Discussion moving from Jira to GitHub issues to track code issues.

  • Completed move to GitHub

Added UTF-8 support

Scot Breitenfeld

Should CGNS support UTF-8? It can be a lot of work to support in CGNS, and could have detrimental effects on performance (sometimes seen with NetCDF).

Coupled fluid-structure standard addition

Scot Breitenfeld

Working on a proposal to standardize fluid-structure simulations.

Discussion Topic

ZJ Wang

Short discussion on past AMR CPEX (0008) and whether AMR should be revisited as a feature-supported CGNS. Some groups may be already using CGNS with AMR, but not known for certain. The need for AMR support in CGNS is unknown.

Vicky Moschou Tobias Leicht ZJ Wang to discuss progressing CPEX 0008.

  • CPEX 0008 / Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Again, we are very much interested in the topic and actively working on and with adaptation using element subdivision, leading to hierarchical representations of the mesh. Where I am unsure is whether there actually is a need to store this structure itself, i.e. essentially provide information of how to get from one mesh to another via adaptation. Any resulting mesh with hanging nodes can be represented just as is (e.g. as polyhedral). While I think that it could be beneficial to explicitly express the hanging node / hanging face connectivity (in order to allow to still recognize the elements as (for example) hexes with hanging nodes rather than just any polyhedron) I don’t think it would be overly useful to have the actual hierarchical information available in an archival /exchange format like CGNS. I don’t know what it would be used for outside of a specific code. But I’m certainly still very much interested in the actual discussion. If this is supposed to be a separate small group discussion (my current understanding), please invite me over… Tobias

Status update on Accepted CPEX #0045

Koen Hillewaert

The branch CPEX45_high_order has not been updated since Feb 25, 2020. An update from Koen Hillewaert on the status is needed.

No updates.

Regarding the two topics that I might want to say something on I have collected some input – feel free to use it (or not):

  • CPEX 0045: We are still very much interested in this for our DG and DGSEM solution storage. We have been rather slow in adopting the proposed work in progress, though, and now that it has been quite a while since anyone touched things in CGNS I am a bit unsure whether it makes sense to push it now or wait for feedback on the status. We decided for the latter, so in the end I am waiting for Koen to provide feedback on the status of the branch and the way ahead. Please let me know if I am under the wrong impression that this was the agreed next step… Tobias


Discussion Topic

Mickael PHILIT

Proposal to have Monitoring numerical probes description to the standard. Some groups may already use CGNS to do that, but there is a need to have a shared approach.

  • Committee needs to review the proposal and provide feedback. Feedback was received.

Status update on Accepted CPEX #0047 Proposed Data integration Points

Mickael PHILIT

Working on the new website before creating a new development branch to prevent duplicating efforts.

Started prototyping with python and C and will push a branch on GitHub in the upcoming weeks. (The “C” branch is a slow work in progress)

No new updates. Still in progress.

prioritization, review and attribution of JIRA bugs/issues

Tony Garratt David Gutzwiller

Next release 4.4.0, Kanban:

Current status for Ansys:

No issues that are urgent.

We would like confirmation on the recommended build practice: autotools or cmake? Are both supported or just cmake?

Autotools and CMake are both supported on Linux/OsX, CMake is preferred (i.e., is regression tested) for Windows.

Scot Breitenfeld is working on updating the Multi-dataset APIs in CGNS to use the new array-based API and is testing CGNS with the new HDF5 subfiling feature.

Scot Breitenfeld Can the APIs default to writing one dataset at a time if CGNS was not built with HDF5 1.14.0?

Action items from last meetings


New Business

Any new CGNS funding proposal opportunities? Nothing was identified at the meeting.

Schedule next meeting

, 10:00 AM EST (US)
