2021-3-2 Meeting notes


Mar 2, 2021, 10:00 AM EST (US),


  • @Scot Breitenfeld

  • @Vicky Moschou

  • Scott Imlay

  • @David Gutzwiller

  • @Simone Crippa

  • @Tobias Leicht

  • @Gregory Sjaardema

  • @David Gutzwiller

  • @Simone Crippa

  • @dmitry.s.kamenetskiy

  • @Thomas Hauser

  • @Tony Garratt

  • @Patrick Baker

  • @Earl P Duque

  • @ZJ Wang

  • Kamenetskiy, Dmitry S

  • @Mickael PHILIT

Steering Committee Issues

Discussion topics







Approve Dec 2020 minutes.

@Scot Breitenfeld

post last meeting’s minutes to CGNS webpage.


cgnstalk: Replacement

@Scot Breitenfeld

  1. Passed: move to Github discussions when it’s out of beta and retire the use of lists.nasa.gov. The notice should be posted to cgnstalk before the transition to discussions.
@Scot Breitenfeld or @Christopher Rumsey should investigate if the cgns archive can be translated to forum posts or made available on cgns.org, which would make it viewable to web search engines.

@Christopher Rumsey  bundled all CGNSTalk archives between 2000-2020 into one file, and posted them to the bottom of CGNS_docs_current/index.html

Release all CGNS documentation at cgns.org into the public domain

@Scot Breitenfeld

  1. Passed: Release all cgns.org documentation into the public domain.
@Scot Breitenfeld will update the copyright information on the webpage.

Proposed Data integration Points

CPEX #0047

@Mickael PHILIT

Please find attached a new CGNS proposal to extend GridLocation possibilities. Current CGNS features do not allow to store Solution data at Integration Points when using Finite Element Methods. This topic is quite important for CSM (Computational Structural Mechanics) and FSI (Fluid-Structure Interaction).

Feel free to join this initiative as the CPEX is still a work in progress.

Any feedback is very welcomed to improve the proposal, especially on the MLL and HDF5 mapping parts.

@Scot Breitenfeldwill identify reviewers for the CPEX who will report before the next meeting, the CPEX is scheduled to be voted on at the next meeting. This effort should be coordinated with higher-order effort.

Feedback from Tobias Leicht (DLR) and Berenger Berthoul (ONERA) taken into account. Very small modification listed at the end of version 2. This last version is ready for voting (without MLL API).

high-level editing tools for the documentation page

@Marc Poinot @Christopher Rumsey

Raw html is not an ideal format to maintain documentation; the latex version seemed easier. It was mentioned to maybe go back to using latex, but the latex version is now out of date compared to the html version. Some committee members were uncertain whether the latex format was the right way to go when compared to other documentation methods (Markdown, Readthedocs, etc…). Either way, it will involve some effort to move from the HTML versions.

  • @Marc Poinot has prototype w/ REST (used for the readthedocs web site). It supports equations and images and should, therefore be sufficient. It is implemented / available in dedicated branch (documentation_migration). Needs feedback before continuing

  • action for all: check result and the actual rest code. Main concern: simplicity of edition - to be checked by all in the source in a dedicated branch



Update from @Marc Poinot:

  • Archive all emails (I can take the action and put them back in new doc site)

  • New doc site, progress have been made (thanks Mickael) to have a syntax highlight on CGNS/SIDS data model syntax, not pushed yet

  • The new doc probably won’t progress until next year, I put the effort on the way to write the doc and generate it first

Discussion Topic

@Vicky Moschou

It concerns the assumption of the different vendor softwares that elements that belong to the same Zone_BC must be grouped under one Elements_t node, and this is why the Zone_BC node is ignored in many cases. We are dealing with issue over and over again. As you can understand, this really hurts the portability of the file.



Status of Future CPEX 0044


@Koen Hillewaert

The current focus is on finishing and implementing CPEX 45.

Tabling CPEX 0044 for now.


Status of Accepted CPEX 0045


@Koen Hillewaert

@Koen Hillewaert prototype implementation working and interfaced in in-house code.

@Tobias Leicht is interested in testing it. Will be tested over the next few months via the HiFiTurb project. Introduce an API by the end of the year.

WIll work with @Scot Breitenfeld to merge into develop when it is ready.


Status of Future CPEX 0046


@Thomas Hauser

@Thomas Hauser will set-up another meeting in Sept.



prioritization, review and attribution of JIRA bugs/issues

@Tony Garratt @David Gutzwiller

We would like to release 4.2 in the next month, we would like to be able to address

for the release.

All the other issues should be moved to the v4.3 release, those bugs that can be addressed in the next month can remain.

Updated Kanban Board for release of v4.2

4.2 Kanban Board:


General Kanban Board:


We should consider a bug-fix only (no new features) release of CGNS to address the outstanding bugs and documentation.

Platform proposals
Windows is under-tested. Suggest Test C and Fortran serial and parallel on Windows 10 x64 as a bare minimum

Do we test both 32bit (legacy) and 64bit API? It's a minor point, but it would a good idea to add 32bit to at least one Linux and Windows

Bug list:

A priority of bugs to fix in next release


Crucial to Ansys. Although most HPC is Linux, project set-up often was done on Windows and import/export/sharing of mesh/solution done on Windows, while most runs performed on Linux clusters



  • important to have parallel working




Action items from last meetings


Page Title


Page Title


  1. BETA-CAE was added to the steering committee
  2. The cgio_read* will be dropped in the next release of the CGNS library.

  1. Passed CPEX #0047

  1. Approved to include in the CGNS’s example code.

  1. Approved to move from Jira to GitHub issues.

New Business

Any new CGNS funding proposal opportunities? Nothing identified at the meeting.


Schedule next meeting

Jun 15, 2021 , 10:00 AM EST (US)
