2021-9-7 Meeting notes


Sep 7, 2021, 10:00 AM EST (US)


  • @Scot Breitenfeld

  • @Vicky Moschou

  • Scott Imlay

  • @David Gutzwiller

  • @Simone Crippa

  • @Tobias Leicht

  • @Gregory Sjaardema

  • @David Gutzwiller

  • @Stephen Guzik

  • @dmitry.s.kamenetskiy

  • @Thomas Hauser

  • @Tony Garratt

  • @Patrick Baker

  • @Earl P Duque

  • @ZJ Wang

  • @Christopher Rumsey

  • @Matthias Möller

  • @Pierre-Jacques Legay

  • Kamenetskiy, Dmitry S

  • @Mickael PHILIT

In attendance

Steering Committee Issues

Discussion topics







Approve 2021/6/15 minutes.

@Scot Breitenfeld

post last meeting’s minutes to CGNS webpage.


Add example of Using C CGNS functions from C++

@Scot Breitenfeld

See Full discussion at https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS/discussions/278

This is just an example of using C functions from C++. The wrapper will convert C++ to C. For instance instead of char * std::string is used. I am not using cgnscpp. The example is a good starting point for using C++ and CGNS. I use https://conan.io to handle package management and CMake as the build system. I have tested the build on both Windows and Linux. It should work on MacOS. In my opinion cgnscpp is an overkill.

Looking for continued maintenance of project.

  1. Approved to include in the CGNS’s example code.


CGNS compresion update

@Scot Breitenfeld

Beta implementation of compression with CGNS is in the branch hdf5_compression


New APIs introduced for chunking and compression. Tests for both serial and parallel (zlib, szip, zfp), Fortran and C.

Tools are untested, and documentation not yet added. Older version of CGNS will be able to read a compressed and chunked datasets since this is handled in the HDF5 layer.

high-level editing tools for the documentation page

@Marc Poinot @Christopher Rumsey

Help needed to divide the remaining tasks:

The documentation goes into the source using Doxygen. This work uses the “doxygen” branch. Examples are given for cg_open and cg_version. The aliases used for repeated variable descriptions are in src/doxygen/doxygen.config. Need volunteers to help with translating the remaining APIs to Doxygen.

Discussion Topic

@Vicky Moschou

It concerns the assumption of the different vendor software that elements that belong to the same Zone_BC must be grouped under one Elements_t node, and this is why the Zone_BC node is ignored in many cases. We are dealing with issue over and over again. As you can understand, this really hurts the portability of the file.

  • Some progress has been made

@Vicky Moschou Will send out an updated presentation


The presentation and updates will be discussed in the next meeting. Email correspondence about the topic is encouraged for a discussion before the meeting.

Discussion Topic

@ZJ Wang

Short discussion on past AMR CPEX (0008) and whether AMR should be revisited as a feature supported CGNS. Some groups may be already using CGNS with AMR, but not known for certain. The need for AMR support in CGNS is unknown.

Status update on Accepted CPEX #0045

@Koen Hillewaert



Status update on Accepted CPEX #0047 Proposed Data integration Points

@Mickael PHILIT

Working on the new website before creating a new development branch to prevent duplicating efforts.

Status of Future CPEX 0046

@Thomas Hauser




Status of Future CPEX 0044

@Koen Hillewaert

The current focus is on finishing and implementing CPEX 45.

Tabling CPEX 0044 for now.


prioritization, review and attribution of JIRA bugs/issues

@Tony Garratt @David Gutzwiller

Next release 4.3.0, Kanban:


General Kanban Board:



Platform proposals
Windows is under-tested. Suggest Test C and Fortran serial and parallel on Windows 10 x64 as a bare minimum

Do we test both 32bit (legacy) and 64bit API? It's a minor point, but it would a good idea to add 32bit to at least one Linux and Windows

NEW (June 2021) We need to add Intel OneAPI compilers to the list of supported compilers (note: OneAPI C/C++ compiler is very different to existing legacy one)

Bug list:

A priority of bugs to fix in next release


Crucial to Ansys. Although most HPC is Linux, project set-up often was done on Windows and import/export/sharing of mesh/solution done on Windows, while most runs performed on Linux clusters


  • important to have parallel working






Action items from last meetings



Page Title


Page Title


  1. BETA-CAE was added to the steering committee
  2. The cgio_read* will be dropped in the next release of the CGNS library.

  1. Meeting notes Approved.
  1. Passed: move to Github discussions when it’s out of beta and retire the use of lists.nasa.gov. The notice should be posted to cgnstalk before the transition to discussions.
  1. Passed: Release all cgns.org documentation into the public domain.

  1. Passed: move to Github discussions when it’s out of beta and retire the use of lists.nasa.gov. The notice should be posted to cgnstalk before the transition to discussions.
  1. Passed: Release all cgns.org documentation into the public domain.

  1. Passed CPEX #0047

  1. Approved to include in the CGNS’s example code.

  1. Approved to move from Jira to GitHub issues.

  1. Removal of CU-Boulder from Steering Committee (Thomas Hauser is now at NCAR). Passed

  1. CPEX 0048 was approved with the understanding that the implementation would address the issues below with the Sample naming convention.

New Business

Any new CGNS funding proposal opportunities? Nothing identified at the meeting.


Schedule next meeting

Dec 14, 2021 , 10:00 AM EST (US)
